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Thursday 12 March 2015

Transmutation as a Psychological Principle - (343)


In transmutation is the key of keys. If we apply it psychologically we attain the dissolution of the myself well hard for me to say when I have not dissolved the ego, but it helps very much indeed!

As a Foundation

The transmutation's foundation is: self-nourishing, self-shining, self-dignifying, self-enlightening, Self-Strengthening and self-affirming, self-validating, self-founding, self-creating etc.

False Self

The myself the false self or false second being that we have created (Pistis Sophia calls it the counterfeit Spirit) looks for all these same things through or from the outside (external) going inside.
The false self for that reason being externally grasping creates many dependencies on others and external things because it knows that these things are needed to live. Because the false self is an imitation of the real self it must search for these values but because it is an imitation, that is not real, it can not get those values from within its own nature it has to get them from the outside.

It is rally the conditioned essence that is conditioned by relativity and duality that it has to grasp for things relative to something else and those reference points for grasping are always on the outside or an outside factor. When we make our inside the reference point we start to undo the ego and we dissolve the conditioning of the ego.


In our real self in our Being we have all these things being self-created for us. We solve this un balances from within ourselves k, giving all these things to ourselves. Just as transmutation does.

End (343).

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