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Wednesday 15 April 2015

About the Absolute? - (380)

Introduction to Excerpts from V.M Samael Aun Weor

The following extracts inform us that the Absolute has three aspects or layers. This is an amazing surprise. Master Samael describes each of these three aspects in the following excerpts.

It is worth noting that the Kabbalistic and Christian traditions also coincide on there being three aspects to the Absolute.

The Three Circles of the Absolute

The Absolute has three aspects: Ain, Ain Soph and Ain Soph Aur.


“Ain, which is the same as Sat in Sanskrit; that is, the Unmanifested Absolute.”

Ain Soph

“Ain Soph, the second aspect. This is where a certain manifestation already exists. Here remain all creatures when the Great Pralaya (Cosmic Night) arrives, because they do not have the right to penetrate Ain, or Unmanifested Absolute which is beyond thought, the Verb, the atom, sound, beyond all that has form, number, weight, etc.”

Ain Soph Aur

“Ain Soph Aur, the third aspect in accordance with the Hebraic Kabalah, to be found here is the First Cosmos, the purely spiritual Protocosmos, the Solar Absolute formed by multiple Spiritual Suns.”

End (380).

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