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Monday 18 May 2015

A Benefit of Astral Unfolding - (410)


Astral unfolding is a marvellous way for us to know ourselves beyond the body.

Know the Soul and Diminish the Fear of Death

It actually helps us to come to come to know the soul. For us to know what is beyond matter, with the astral we come to defeat the fear of death and know what is beyond the body and death of it.

An Astral Body

We need an astral body to be cohesive in the astral; otherwise we go as essence and as psyche. Because our psyche is very disorganised here in the physical world we are very disorganised in the astral and because of the special property of the Astral hat what we project becomes our reality we dream and see and experience things that are not real are chaotic.


Our awakening in the astral starts here by awakening in the physical and organising our psyche here.
The astral allows us to see ourselves esoterically, to know what affinities we have, who is linked to us in the good and in the bad, to see our past personalities, to see deceased ones and to see spirits who are attracted to us. All of these things we can not see about ourselves here I the physical world.
We go every night to the astral and it is the most common paranormal phenomena reported today actually in the world. In many ways it is not so “out of this world”, it is very much a part of life.

End (410).

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