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Thursday 11 June 2015

For Transmutation Everything Must be Internalised - (425)


Transmutation is converting the raw mercury or ens seminis or material prima or raw sexual energy into energy and then making that energy to flow in and up. It is an real internalisation of our sexual energy. However read on to see how we make this happen.

Making it Happen

For this to happen in the best possible way, that is for our sexual energy to be internalised (which can only happen through transmutation) we must internalise all of our forces as well.

That is our imagination must be internal, our will must be directed inwardly, our thoughts must be concentrated inwardly and our emotion or enthusiasm must be directed within ourselves and must not be about anything outside of ourselves. We can not be overwhelmed by anything outside of ourselves, our attention can not go outside of ourselves.


If we achieve the internalisation of at least of our imagination (that is imagining the energy rising in our occult anatomy) and emotion, that is by bringing our will and emotion to be in ourselves, that is willing that the energy rises to our Father in Secret and that we feel emotion for being able to do this, that is raise the energy towards the Being the body will follow and the energy will certainly follow suit and the transmutation of our sexual energy will most certainly happen in us, to a large degree in fact.

End (425).

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