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Wednesday 17 June 2015

How can we unearth our Past Life Memories? - (431)


There are really several unearthing past life memory practices that we can do by ourselves. There are of course past regressions etc. though we always prefer practices and techniques which we can do for ourselves. After all it is our memories and past life and we are really the only ones who can remember them. It is just a matter of finding out how we ourselves can do it.

All of these practices were given to us by V.M Samael Aun Weor. There some other authors that give practices as well based on their real life experience, and I find that these practices are good as well. In fact they are very similar if not the same as what Master Samael gives us.

Practice one – Retrospection

This practice as Master Smael says involves us, sitting in meditation being sleepy. Then we begin the practice by going back from this very moment in our life and seeing everything as much as we can remember.

We must go all the way back to childhood and early childhood until the moment of our birth if we can remember that.

Then being very sleepy we must try to imagine our previous death. Even if we do not know how we died we have to imagine something and with a lot of drowsiness and having been notifying the subconscious for the whole practice that we want to remember our previous existence the hope is that the subconscious will yield it’s memories (our past life memories). If not we must persist until the subconscious obeys and releases its memories in the form of images and words.

Practice 2 – Magic Mirror

This practice involves waiting until night. Setting up a mirror with a candle to our right. The candle must be placed so that we can not see the candle in the mirror.

Once the initial set up is complete, we sit comfortably in front of the mirror and look in a relaxed way at ourselves. Then we can close our eyes and imagine a mountain. Any mountain and surroundings that you prefer, perhaps a mountain in a remote location, alone, rugged, snow-capped, foreboding or small, all as you prefer.

Then imagine a cave in the side of the mountain. This cave symbolises your subconscious, the place where all your memories of the past reside. Then invoke your Divine Mother, that is the mother of your soul and then ask her for her assistance and hep to remember our past. Ask her to show us what will be most useful for us.

Imagine you are looking into the cave and then chant the mantra OM HUM. Slowly open your eyes while lightly chanting OM HUM and look at yourself in the mirror.

What will happen is that your face will disappear and images, scenes of your past will appear on the mirror. They may just appear for a second or less and be very subtle.

Practice 3 – Damsel of Remembrance

There are parts of our inner Being or consciousness that have the function of remembering or storing the memories of our past lives. So these type of practices involve us asking these various pars to release memories of our past in our dreams or in meditation while being very sleepy (never wide awake).

The two parts of our Being are the Damsel of Remembrance and the Elder of the Centuries. As their names or titles suggest one is feminine in nature and the other masculine. We can choose wither one.
We though must ask first our Being (Father) or our Divine Mother to first command these parts to work for us.

Then for the Damsel of Remembrance only we can chant the mantra LA RA S. So go into meditation, that is relax the body and mind and then as the Divine Mother to command the Damsel of Remembrance to work for us. Then chant the mantra LA RA S.

Then just wait in meditation for an image to appear while being quite sleepy. The procedure applies for the Elder of eh Centuries, only there is not mantra for Him.

Practice 4 – Meditation and Chakra of the Lungs

This practice involves us chanting the mantra A for a long time while being in meditation and while being very sleepy. We can also ask the Divine Mother to activate that chakra and make it to work, releasing images of our past lives from subconscious.

We can even while chanting the mantra A concentrate on something that you would like to know from the past, such how we died in our previous existence for example.


We have to try each of the unearthing past life memory practices and find the one which works best for us. Then we have to persist and persist with the same practice until we get a result, and then of course use it again again until we are able to piece more and more our past life memories into a coherent continuous picture of our life in the past.

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