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Monday 15 June 2015

Posts on Past Lives - (427)

The Study of Past Lives is quite important for self-knowledge, especially in the psychological and esoteric fields of ourselves.

The study of past lives makes sense because of the axiom or truth that we are the way we are because of the past. In many ways the past, is not completely gone, because the past lives in us here and now. The past expresses itself in us constantly in the present.

The mining grounds of psychological self-knowledge are within the functioning of the centres of the human machine and within our past. Therefore the study of the past is very important.

Mind you, if we study ourselves now, in this moment we are also studying our past, however a dedicated study of the past shows us the origin of the way we are now.

When we observe ourselves now, we see how we are but we do not see the origin. Only by studying the past and our past lives di we see the origin of things within us.

The next few posts will be devoted to this study of past lives.

End (427).

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