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Monday 22 June 2015

The Ocean – a Place for Solace – (436)


In this post I want to share a strange observation. At times when I have gone to the beach (Indian Ocean) I have seen people either surfing, swimming, sun tanning and reading, sun tanning and sleeping and some walking or running it seems for exercise. This is all fairly normal. Though there are always a one or two that don’t fit into this norm. That is they are either walking or sitting carrying inside themselves it seems some sort of grief, loneliness or deep contemplation.


Well, many times I have gone to the ocean to think out a problem, to seek some emotional relief or solace and to contemplate on the profound vastness. Once I remember walking on the beach and there was a middle aged lady sitting down facing the ocean and crying bitterly, and yelling out at the ocean and the air. Perhaps someone had died or something had gone wrong in her life.

It is my observation that the ocean lends itself to that. I think that instinctively and deep within us we tend to go to the ocean for some solace, for peace for a solution and to connect with vastness, with a great power that is beyond us and capable of helping us.

The Ocean a Great Power

I think that we see or recognise a great power in the Ocean and that Ocean reminds us of our Divinity or the Divinity a power that is both a Mother and a Father and is beyond our human life and being beyond it can assist us, can give us profound answers in the form of wisdom which will be like a magic balm to our hurt or suffering.

Whenever I go to a river or the ocean I almost always feel a movement of calming in my solar plexus, a great calm that I can not achieve in my life at home or at work.

Indeed physically the one ocean of which all the five oceans and all the seas except the land locked ones and the great rivers are part is the greatest power on the Earth and covers 71% approximately of the Earth’s surface.

Like a Mother

Having heard that the Ocean is like a Mother to us, definitely strikes a cord with me. It is so natural for us to go to our Mother inner or external for comfort, for solace and for assistance. The same as with the Ocean, we instinctively seek from the ocean comfort, solace and wisdom, because we know it is the chaos or the sperm of our Mother Earth. Our body is a product of the Earth and if the ocean is the spermatic waters of the Earth we come from the ocean or linked to it in our very deep origins or roots.

Also the ocean being the chaos of the Earth, it is akin to the chaos of the cosmos, the absolute where we have our profound origin. In the Absolute we were happy and in comfort and the absolute was the place where we all left our happiness and comfort and entered into the pains and sufferings of creation.

Analogy for Our Mind

The ocean is also like our subconscious where the clear parts are our conscious mind, the parts that we can see and the deep is like our subconscious, which is the parts of ourself that we can not see and do not know. The light of our consciousness has to penetrate deep into the waters of our subconscious for us to see it.

More than 70% Water

We are also in our nature more than seventy percent water, so the ocean and water are in our nature as human beings.

Great Power that Commands Respect

We also recognise the power of the ocean, when the waves rise and crash and we know that if the ocean were to rebel we would be dead. We have deep in us a profound respect for the ocean. Such a great power has to be able to help us in our relatively small life.


It can be beneficial if we can go to the beach, or to the water side to contemplate the great vastness of the Ocean and the Divinity.  Go there to receive the calming effect of a river or an ocean on our emotional centre and mind. To breathe in the great vitality of the ocean is very beneficial as well. Go there to connect to a great power that reminds us of our own vastness and power of our inner divinity. Many rivers ad water sources around the world are for some reason regarded as sacred. Water after all is the source of life.

End (436).

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