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Thursday 4 June 2015

Transmutation - the Brain is a Chalice - (416)

Brain a Chalice

The brain is a chalice in which transmuted sexual energy accumulates in.

That is why the priest lifts the chalice, telling us that we need to make our sexual energy to rise up our spine from our sexual organs so to fill the chalice of our brain.

Our brain is also a bit like a sponge where it absorbs the transmuted sexual energy and gets saturated just like a sponge does and then that excess energy can move into the heart.

The spinal column links our sexual organs to our brain so that we can impregnate our brain with the life, vitality, creativity and energy of the sexual centre.

Transmutation to Fill the Chalice of the Brain and Heart

When we transmute, the transmuted energy is absorbed by the brain and if we continue transmuting it gets saturated or full and then the excess energy can spill over into the heart or cascade down into the heart where it gets absorbed as well. So for the energy to go to the heart we have to transmute quite a bit.

First we have to saturate the brain (i.e. fill the chalice of the brain) then cause that energy to cascade down into the heart.

End (416).

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