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Thursday 23 July 2015

Where is the Absolute? - (461)

A Question To Start

We sometimes get the feeling that the Absolute is up there somewhere and we are marooned and cast away from it down here. Is this really true?

Another Question

The previous articles describe the Absolute as being the source of creation, and being something infinite without limits. In some texts it has been described as “an ocean without shores”. So if the Absolute is infinite where then would we locate a finite creation? Would it be inside or outside the Absolute?

An Answer

Thinking a bit about it, we come to the conclusion that we would have to find our limited creation, the same one that we belong to, inside the Absolute. This certainly comes as a surprise, only because we have the idea or concept that the Absolute is something very far away and beyond this world.

Final Question

So then, the next question to ask ourselves would be “do we all then live inside the Absolute?”. Once again if we are located within the Absolute we also live within the Absolute. The interesting point is that we live inside the Absolute but we are not aware of it.

Final Answer

Because we are not aware that we are living in the Absolute we believe that we are actually living outside of it, with us down here and the Absolute is up there. We have never left the Absolute, however because of the dormant state of our consciousness we do not perceive it, our consciousness vibrates at a level which is lower than required to perceive ourselves as living in the Absolute.

Our work is to awaken our consciousness to that level of vibration and happiness so that we can come to realise our presence within the various levels of unfolding of the Absolute in creation.


The tree of life or the levels of unfolding of creation is a staircase for our consciousness to awaken to. Once we arrive at the very top step of the ladder of creation, we are one step away from entering the Absolute. We may be here physically within our body but the vibration of our consciousness is high enough to be able to penetrate into the Absolute. Ultimately it is our consciousness that enter the Absolute not our body.

The Absolute has three subdivisions. Which are the Ain (the Nothingness), the Ain Soph (the Nothingness that expands itself) and the Ain Soph Aur (the Nothingness that expands and concentrates itself). The following diagram shows in a very simple way the relation between the three subdivisions of the Absolute.

The Ain Soph Aur is the place that our finite creation occupies within the Absolute.

Note, article adapted from the original titled “The Absolute and Creation” by Rafael Vargas.

End (458).

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