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Wednesday 5 August 2015

Alchemical Gold – (485)


Gold the goal of Alchemy, which has also driven so many people crazy in the past, trying to acquire it. However, the gold of the Alchemist as the following excerpts point out is not eh physical gold. It is rather the gold of the spirit.

Excerpt 1 – Alchemical Gold

“1.         Dead Gold is useless. It is necessary to give life to it.

2.          Just as the Sun gives light to the planets, Gold can transmute all of our imperfect metals.

3.        However, dead Gold is useless. Thus, it is necessary to give life to it and to reduce it to its female state, that is to say, to reduce it to its crude matter. It is also necessary for it to be reborn through the path of regeneration by retrogradation.

4.          Spiritual Gold is the Sacred Fire, the ineffable pleroma of the Spirit.

5.      Instead of ejaculating the Spiritual Gold, it is necessary to make it rise through the two ganglionic cords, in order to achieve the regeneration of the Being.

6.         This is how we give life to the dead Gold by reducing it to its crude matter, in order to convert it into volatile and spiritual Gold.

7.             Volatile Gold is the perfect medicine.

8.             Volatile Gold is the fire of Kundalini.

9.             Gold has an affinity with Mercury, both are perfect and incorruptible.

10.          The minor metals are Lead and Tin which are soft, and Iron and Copper which are hard.

11.        All these metals of our human personality are transmuted into volatile Gold with the powders of projection.

12.        These powders are the white and red elixirs of Sexual Alchemy (see Chapter 6, White Elixir and Red Elixir).

13.          The quadrature of the circle is found in Gold.

14.          Mercury and Gold form the Chaos when they are insolubly united.

15.          Gold fecundates Mercury in order for creation to emerge.

16.          One plus two equals three.

17.        The Father and the Mother are united in order for the Child to be born. The family united is the four.

18.          This is the quadrature of the circle.

19.          Therefore, the quadrature of the circle is found enclosed within the volatile Gold.

20.          Potable Gold is the same volatile Gold.

21.          This volatile Gold is the Sacred Fire of sex.

22.          Mercury is transmuted into volatile Gold.

23.          To synthesize, Gold becomes perfect Mercury.

24.          Mercury is the water of the Chaos, the Christonic semen that is transmuted into the living Gold of the Spirit.”

Excerpt from the book: “A Treatise of Alchemy”, chapter 22 by V.M Samael Aun Weor.


The gold of the Alchemists is then a spiritual substance that we need to fabricate and one that we also already have within ourselves, that is within our sexual energy. If we transmute constantly our sexual energy, never losing a drop, we can create that gold of the Alchemists. The gold in us is created when we transmute and when we dissolve the various psychological “I’s” that we have, thus purifying our sexual energy and no longer blocking or corrupting the gold in our sexual energy and in our spirit. 

The alchemical gold is also a symbol for the spirit inside the human being.

End (485).

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