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Thursday 6 August 2015

Philosopher’s Stone – (488)


So much has been written about the philosopher’s stone, it is understood as being the pinnacle or goal of Alchemy. The following excerpts by Master Samael Aun Weor clearly reveal what the philosopher’s stone in very clear and easily understandable language.

Excerpt 1 – Philosopher’s Stone

“What is the Philosophical Stone? The Philosophical Stone is the Intimate Christ dressed with his bodies of Gold.

This Gold covering, formed by the bodies, is ‘To Soma Heliakon’, the body of Gold of the Solar Man. Whosoever possesses the Philosophical Stone has complete power over all of Nature. Nature knows how to obey such a being. This person possesses the Elixir of Long Life and can keep the physical body for millions of years. 

Lo and Behold the path. The path is in the (sexual) seed. There is no other way.

Interesting things take place within the human organism. The existential superior bodies of the Being are nothing more than Mercury fertilized by Sulphur. Gold must then appear in these bodies of Mercury. 

But who can settle the atoms of Gold in the Mercury? They can be settled with only one artifice. This artifice is none other than the famous Antimony, the Antimony of Alchemy. In reality, Antimony is a metal which is well known in Chemistry. However, in Alchemy, Antimony is one of the parts of our Being. This part of our Being knows how to settle the Gold in our bodies of Mercury. This is how these bodies of Mercury can be converted into the finest quality bodies of pure Gold.

Whosoever possesses bodies of pure Gold receives the sword of Gold. He or she becomes an Archangel with the finest quality sword of pure Gold, which threateningly turns in every way, throwing strong flames.  Such is the sword of the Archangels (Arche-Angels).

It is then worthwhile to settle the atoms of Gold in the Mercury. The whole of this can be achieved with the condition of eliminating the Dry Mercury (ego) and the Arsenic Sulphur (passional fire). If one does not eliminate the Dry Mercury and the Arsenic Sulphur, one simply does not achieve the perfection of the bodies, nor does one make them of the finest quality Gold.

The entire secret of the Great Work then consists of knowing how to make Mercury, how to create the Arche, which is the intimate and particular nebula from where our distinct bodies must emerge.”

Excerpt from the lecture: “The Arche”, by V.M Samael Aun Weor.

Excerpt 2 – Philosopher’s Stone

“However, the metallic Spirit of the Stone, which is the Intimate Christ, can be lost. The metallic Spirit can evaporate. When can this occur? When a metal is melted.

When is it melted? When the Hermes Glass is spilled, then the metallic Spirit is melted. It is the metallic reaction of the Gold. Thus, it is indubitable that the interior Magnesium escapes.

When this occurs, alchemically it is known that the Philosophical Stone is lost, that it has dissolved in the water. Speaking in other words, out of the terms of the Great Work, I will say that this is when the Boddhisattwa falls (fornicates).

In Alchemy, it is said clearly that the Stone is thrown into the water, that it dissolves in the water on Saturday. We must understand that Saturday is Saturn, in other words, the kingdom of death.

Whosoever dissolves his Stone in water loses his Stone.”

Excerpt 3 – Philosopher’s Stone

“Then, in the central plateau of Asia, I committed the error, as did the Count Zanoni. It was the error of taking a wife when it was forbidden for me. I once again threw the Philosophical Stone into the water. Now in this new existence, I performed the Great Work. The resurrection of the Lord will culminate for the third time...for the third time. Thus, I have now performed the work three times. So, this is why I have experience, I know the way...I know the way.

What I wish to say is a great truth. When I elaborated the Philosophical Stone for the first time, on the Moon, the Stone was powerful.

When I elaborated it the second time, it was much stronger. Now that I am elaborating it for the third time, it will be even stronger. This is due to acquired experience.

Within this experience there is an intelligent principle that we must understand. A human can fight a great deal for his transformation in order to reach the union with God. This human progresses until there. However, after a human being reaches the union with God, when God manifests himself in this human, we can say that from here on there is no progress.

If this human being wishes to progress, he must then retrograde, which means to throw the Stone into the water.

What happens to the Stone?

When the Stone re-emerges into life, it emerges much more powerful, more penetrative. It is something extraordinary.

There are Initiates who perform the work seven times. Beyond seven times it is very dangerous because one can fall into damnation.

I have performed it three times, but frankly, I will not make it a fourth. I do not want to expose myself to losing a great amount. However, the three times that I have performed it, the situation has come to me as it must be, extremely painful.

For example, in the central plateau of Asia, when I threw the Stone into the water for the third time, I said to myself, “How I have fought over the centuries in order to raise myself again. What frightful weights, such terrible bitterness!” And only now, after having suffered terribly, tremendously, this Philosophical Stone is again being reborn. In 1978 it will be reborn.

I carried all the history of the Aryan Race in order to raise it again. Therefore, it is extremely painful; it is a very painful process.

There are Adepts who, wanting to make the Stone more penetrative and powerful, intentionally descend. They do not fall, they descend.

How do they descend? 

They take a spouse when it is not permitted to them.  But they do not ejaculate the seminal liquor (they do not reach the orgasm) and under the direction of a Guru, they work with all the rules of the Arcanum A. Z. F. They then lose the Stone.

After a certain period of time, they give life to the Stone. They perform the great Work so that the Stone will remain much stronger.

It is necessary to establish the difference that exists between falling and descending.

I did not descend. I intentionally fell. My three cases were falls, not descends.

In the central plateau of Asia, I committed the same error as the Count Zanoni. I took a wife. This is the forbidden act which I did. I tell you that after the experience of the centuries, I know that this is how the Great Work is performed.

Let us remember the Phoenix Bird. It is marvellous with its crown of Gold and with its feet and legs of a beautiful pure Gold. Nature surrounded and worshiped it. Tired of living for millions of years, it decided to make a nest with the branches of incense, myrrh, spikenard and other beautiful branches, and the truth is that she burned herself there.

Nature is always like that. But then the Phoenix Bird was reborn from her own ashes, much more powerful.

Likewise, it is necessary to perform the Great Work because when the Stone is thrown into the water, it remains drowned.”

Excerpt from the lecture: “The Arche”, by V.M Samael Aun Weor.


So in summary, the philosopher’s stone is the universal Christic or life giving principle individualised in us covered with the superior bodies of gold. So it is the result of incarnating the universal life giving Christic principle first, then purifying all of our bodies from their impurities or egos (psychological “I’s”).

Furthermore the philosopher’s stone undergoes much transformation and can be renewed by being dissolved and then built once again, and when reformed or recreated it emerges stronger than before. Esotericism tells us that this can be done only seven times, because if one does this more than seven times one falls under a curse. The philosopher’s stone is also the Phoenix bird.

End (488).


  1. So are the egos resuscitated when one descends?

  2. Yes they are resuscitated. Though they are eliminated once again much quicker!
