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Thursday 13 August 2015

The Interpretation of Relativity is More Important than the Perception of it – (496)

Relativity the Cause of the Ego

Basically the ego enters into quick manifestation as soon as there is relativity or in other more practical words – differences. As soon as there is that more or less in relation to one or the other, that is as soon as one receives more than another in comparison or in relativity the ego enters into action!

So, if we could eliminate relativity the ego would not manifest. However that in this world is impossible, we can not remove relativity and duality, it is part of creation. All that we can do is to modify our interpretation of it, we can’t modify our perception of it, but our interpretation of it.

Interpretation Causes the Problem

So it is not relativity that causes the problem nor is it the perception of it but what or how we interpret it. We always interpret relativity when we receive the less as something against us or negative for us and so we have to then feel negative emotions and then of course end up acting or speaking negatively.

We can not help seeing relativity, it is there in front of us that we receive 2 and the other receives 4, if we didn’t think i.e. no thoughts when seeing this difference, then that would not be a problem. If we understand the relativity in a way that is neutral or positive towards us hen that is ok too, but we usually interpret relativity as negative or against us.

For example when we received 2 and the other 4, we could say to ourselves, well that is fair he has worked twice as much as me this week and so no problem, or we can say to ourselves, that is not fair I worked just as much as me, the boss as something against me, he does not like me anymore and I don’t know why, I haven’t done anything wrong etc. etc. Obviously this interpretation causes anyone a lot of pain. And of course an interpretation that causes us pain is not fully true always. So the problem arises in our interpretation of relativity.


We basically have to work very hard our own sometimes strange and half true interpretations of relativity. That is the point or place to work.

End (496).

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