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Wednesday 19 August 2015

Why Alchemy is the Work in the 9th Sphere – (498)

Always Wondered Why and Never Understood

I think I still don’t fully understand but maybe I am a little closer to understanding why. Here anyway is what I have come to understand so far.

Within Sex

Within sex are the very primordial powers of creation. Very primordial, ancient and powerful forces move and come into action when there is sexual arousal, contact and connection.

The real creative properties of the sexual and instinctive centre begin to work in these moments and it is then that the person working in the Alchemy must channel and drive these forces of energy and creation towards an inner creation (transmutation, sublimation, Kundalini, solar bodies etc.)

Sex is Chaos

Because the chaos or the abyss or inferno is the birthplace of men, beasts and Gods and sex is really the birthplace of everything, sex is also the chaos and also the abyss. When I say abyss, I mean it in the sense that the abyss is where the light is taken from and where men and the Gods emerge from. Men and Gods are created by working consciously in the abyss or in the place where the primal and primordial forces are in operation. They become men and then Gods by having tamed, controlled and creatively used these primal and primordial forces for their inner realisation or inner creation.

The seminal entity is our particular chaos and the work with sex is really also the work with the seminal entity, that is the activation, movement and inner channelling of it. Also the number nine is very sexual, it is someway controls creation. Observe that a child gestates for nine months in its mother’s womb and there are nine heavens and nine circles of the abyss. Nine above us here in Malkuth, and nine below us. Malkuth is the middle ground.


So sex is chaos and chaos is the matrix or womb of any creation and the abyss is a womb and so when a couple connect sexually they descend into the ninth sphere. Most just descend and then fail or stay there, those that work in the Alchemy descend, work and then re-emerge transformed.

End (498).

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