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Wednesday 9 September 2015

External Locking - Three Fingers Method - (518)


This measure is extraordinarily effective if it ever unfortunately happens that against one’s will, the loss of the sexual energy in a man is imminent. This measure is so effective, that nothing whatsoever will be lost if applied correctly. It is most definitely and certainly worth knowing this.

Furthermore this measure can be used in any occasion, single or married, in any occasion that a man unfortunately against his will is in danger of losing his sexual energy.


“Three Fingers Method of seminal retention has been practiced in China for more than five thousand years. It is so easy and simple that anyone can learn it quickly and with considerable effectiveness.
The method seals in the vital fluid from the outside with fingertip pressure. It requires slightly more coordination than stepping on a garden hose to stop the flow of water.

The Three Fingers Method involves essentially this: Several seconds before the moment of ejaculation, press the mid-point between the anus and the scrotum with the three longest fingers of the right hand. This seals in the fluids and much energy.

1. Locate the Point: Apply the pressure at the mid-point between the anus and scrotum. This point, which lies at the very bottom of the trunk, is a "door" through which energy enters and leaves the body.

2. Apply pressure: Apply pressure neither too hard or too light. The proper amount of force must be found with experience. Generally speaking, the stronger the finger tips, the less pressure needs to be applied to halt the fluid

3. Use Three Fingers: The passage through which the semen travels tends to slide away from one's fingers. Two fingers cannot hold the tube and block it at the same time. We use the second and fourth fingers to press both sides of the urethra and anchor it in place.

Then the middle finger presses directly on the urethra itself, which doesn't slip away because it is pinned on both sides by the other two fingers. The fingers should be curved slightly. The middle finger is a little more bowed than the other two in order to provide a solid, even wall through which the fluid cannot pass.

4. Timing: As soon as you feel the inevitability of ejaculation, apply the fingers for External Locking. If you wait too long, no force can stop the flow. When you know that ejaculation is imminent, apply the fingers. The locking should be applied before, during and after the contractions. Lock until you are certain that the pumping has ceased completely.”


This measure as I call it comes from a Taoist book written by Mantak Chia. This measure can be found actually in many Taoist books. There was a diagram that is part of the explanation but I chose not to include it, so that I don’t get into trouble.

End (518).

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