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Wednesday 9 September 2015

Intimate Christ Best Teacher/Helper Ever - (521)


The Intimate Christ is the best teacher. Most certainly the Intimate Christ is the best instructor or teacher. Master Samuel says that the instructor of the world is the Cosmic Christ and no human being can know more than Him.

Intimate and Cosmic Christ

The reason why is because the Cosmic Christ is made up of all the Intimate Christs, and each time a human being incarnates their Intimate Christ, the Cosmic Christ acquires more wisdom and experience because the Intimate Christ is the one that comes clean, redeem and transform us from inside! Because the Intimate Christ assumes all our defects and errors and dies in them so The Cosmic Christ he has all the wisdom of all the defects and all the remedies!


That is something so amazing, the Intimate Christ by tapping into His source, the Cosmic Christ can acquire the wisdom and the remedies to help us dissolve all the defects that we have. I think that when an ego is too difficult to understand and so hard to find a way to control it, we have to appeal to our Intimate Christ, whether we have it incarnated or not!

End (521).


  1. And I hear this is best done at the beginning through our Divine Mother. As she is closest to us, so she in turn asks the Christ to disintegrate the ego... Then the further we go along we are closer to the Christ so we can just go directly to him. Having said that I'm sure it's still effective going directly to the Christ at the beginning.

    1. Thanks for your comment David, always much appreciated. You are right in all that you say, I agree with you there.
