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Monday 14 September 2015

Notes on Selfishness - (530)


Here are some notes taken during a class, so they are not my observations and understanding but that of my missionary.


  • Selfishness is about not sharing our time, money, space, energy etc.
  • It is the resistance to co-operate. It belongs to pride. Co-operation is about the superior good being chosen over an inferior option.

What it Does and Likes

  • It is to put our interests before the needs and wants of others.
  • It is to take things to our advantage.
  • It is about possessing and controlling values. It is very rife in relationships. It has fear or uses fear to protect its interests and possessions.
  • Selfishness creates intrusion and intruders. IT feels that people intrude upon its space. It also creates isolation.
  • It always takes first place. It is also about enjoying the best that is available before others can get to it.
  • It either goes to the front to receive the best or to the back to be alone in peace and not bothered by anyone.
  • The selfish person wants attention from itself and also from others.
  • It really enjoys attention and the enjoyment of it.
  • Selfishness is very demanding and has two ways of getting its desires fulfilled, one by being open and clear and the other by being passively aggressive.
  • It is also about attention. Attention is one of the most important values in life.

Its Nature

  • It is very astute. It has astuteness inside it. It cannot exist without it.
  • It is also very proud and inpatient.
  • It is always prepared and never unprepared.
  • It is also very arrogant. It goes over others without scruples.
  • It is also exclusive. It likes privacy. It is very exclusive.

Deeper and More Esoteric

  • There can even be spiritual selfishness where we don't share anything of our spiritual knowledge, skills and experience.
  • It is about compensation, it is to seek the filling of the void. It is to not have had much before but now it is to get it back from life and others.
  • Sacrifice is really the set of values inherent in the "myself".
  • The real sacrifice is when we bring the Being here fully and present it to people.


  • It is also about enjoying space and that is why we go to war, to take space from others and of course to enjoy it, never to just leave it to others.
  • Selfishness unfortunately has to sacrifice the time, energy, money of others in order to get its interests fulfilled.
  • We can give and not sacrifice anything. A selfless person sacrifices him or herself or all these values such as time, space, energy and possessions.


We all have some selfishness in one direction or the other, anyhow whatever the direction the solution resides in opening up and giving or sharing. Realising that by giving we are giving to ourselves as well, and knowing that when we are with others we can remember the Being and we still have ourselves, we are not losing ourselves and what we give we will receive later, and that it will be returned to us, maybe at the same octave or maybe at a higher octave.

End (530).

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