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Thursday 10 September 2015

The Time of Science and knowledge - (523)

Ways of Mysticism and Religion

The ways of mysticism and religion are helpful, useful and necessary in our spiritual work. They can not ever be put aside, though it seems that something is changing or has changed… It seems that there has been a shift in what is now more helpful in our spiritual work.

Now it seems knowledge is leading the way in being more helpful in our spiritual work. If I look back over the times, it seems that with the coming of ‘the Fifth of the Seven’ – Master Samael, the times of spirituality changed their dynamic from a predominantly mystical tendency to a knowledge based tendency. This is because Maser Samael came and unveiled with so much clarity, conscious and knowledge the spiritual way.

Tendency of Life

If we look at life we see that science, technology and knowledge are more prevalent than ever. IT really seems that now the era of knowledge has dawned upon us and Master Samael inaugurated it. He brought knowledge to throw down the old structure and teach us basically the wise and revolutionary action of the sexual centre - Transmutation.

The influence and prevalence of mysticism as it was in the middle ages and the medieval times has really dwindled. Especially the suffering, infliction and torture of oneself that was always associated with the mysticism of those times are now over. The suffering without knowledge seems to be over now.

Possible Salvation of Humanity through Science

If humanity is to have a chance at a revolution of consciousness it has to be through science now. If that apparatus that Master Samael spoke about, that can convert the waves of sound from the Akashic archives of nature into images would be invented and made available to humanity then that could provoke a revolution in humanity. Humanity would be able to see the great Masters of the past as they really were and how they awoken their consciousness and dissolved their suffering and regenerated themselves through transmutation. Then humanity could change and a revolution be produced. It would of course such an enormous revolution that the powers that do not want this would rebel tremendously.


Knowledge is the last wave of help from the Absolute. Why? Because we are in the times of the end. Unfortunately this help of knowledge from the absolute is enters through the human egoic mind and that mind diverts it into matter.

End (523).

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