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Wednesday 23 September 2015

When Feeling Self-Conscious - (538)

Turn it Around

When we feel what we commonly call self-conscious, which is not self-conscious state that we know in Gnosis as the third state of consciousness, but rather the awkward, uncomfortable feelings when we enter a room full of strangers or we are about to give a presentation, or we’re there on a stage standing in front of people, or we are in a meeting where we know there are people there that are not really happy with us.

When we feel self-conscious, the best way out of it is to turn it around, that is to feel fine or comfortable with yourself. Why, I’ll explain.


When we are self-conscious it is because we are looking for acceptance or reassurance for ourselves from others. That is impossible to have so as we can’t forget about it and we need it to feel happy we have to give it to ourselves.

When we get reassurance from others we actually get the impression from others then with that impression we actually give the assurance to ourselves, so ultimately it comes from ourselves. There are occasions when we get praise and assurance from others but we don’t believe or don’t care about it and we still feel awful about ourselves. This is because we refuse to give it to ourselves.

When we are self-conscous we have our attention on ourselves though from the perspective of us imagining what others could be thinking and feeling about us. We have to turn that around and put the attention on ourselves rom ourselves and the best way to do that, is to feel kind towards ourselves. To think that you have a Being inside you, there inside you is an essence and that is wonderful and Divine and inside that essence is a marvellous quanta of consciousness.


Applying this will help us out in so many social occasions of life. Apply feeling comfortable with yourself or feeling at peace with yourself. Tell yourself that you are worthy to be here, to feel at peace. If you find it hard You will see when you do it that you become natural, your mind will stop worrying and playing the trying to act normal game and then all your facial features and gestures will become entirely natural again. A relief – thank God now we can go into social events feeling at ease and no uneasiness beforehand because we know how to put ourselves at ease.


The key resides in inverting what we feel when we are self-conscious, because the heart of feeling self-conscious is to feel that others are uncomfortable with us. But really we are uncomfortable with ourselves being there. So the solution is to leave or either be comfortable with yourself inside yourself with you being there. It is the exact same thing as when we judge others but in reality we are what we are seeing or judging in others.

End (538).

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