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Tuesday 27 October 2015

61 Years Since V.M Samael Aun Weor - (566)


61 years today (today 27th of October 2015 to 27th of October 1954), have passed since the bodhisattva AUN WEOR who had the human name of Victor Manuel Rodriguez incarnated his human soul and became the Venerable Master Samael Aun Weor.

If it were not for that Day!

If it were not for that day we would not be here studying Gnosis and we certainly would not have the knowledge and the map of the path laid out before us. There would be so much confusion amongst us and perhaps very few would really have made or could have the possibility of making it to their realisation.

A Precedent, A Major Step and a Big Day for Humanity

This event set a precedent for humanity, if one got it and left behind the way clear of theory and confusion then the rest could or can follow. This day was the first step in that process.

That day was the first major step in the integration of the Logos Samael with His most distant part his essence or golden embryo.

That day was a big bay for humanity and day a big day for the triumph of the light. That is why there was so much resistance being presented by the sinister forces, because perhaps they perceived the great light of what was coming to humanity.

A Great Master

Master Samael is a great master of great knowledge and experience. This marked the first step in the acquisition of His third stone. So Master Samael has reached the realisation three times now.

His Promise

It is so hard to not forget his promise that as long as there is a still a tear in the eye of a gnostic his work is not done.

He also says seated by a fire invoke me with the mantra ENRE and your most humble servant will come to attend your call. He also said my only weakness  - “men!”.

End (566).

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