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Monday 19 October 2015

Esoteric Finances – Our Dharma - (556)


Our esoteric finances, that is the management of our cosmic capital is very much like the management of our physical finances. In fact they are almost the same. They follow the same principles.

Physical Finances

We get into debt when what we spend each exceeds what we make each day. If we have some savings we can cancel this debt, but here will come a time when our savings will dry up and we will end up in debt.

The best thing for our physical finances is to make more then what we spend each day. We do this by: earning and by stopping ourselves from over spending.

The exact same principles apply esoterically, we need to be aware of our physical finances but what is more important is to be very aware of our esoteric finances or cosmic capital. Unfortunately human beings are not very aware of their cosmic capital balance at all. Most of us ride between debt and capital, really I would like that we all ride in dharma and increasing dharma, that is increasing levels of cosmic capital.

Earning Cosmic Capital

The way we earn cosmic capital is investing our capital, that is our time and energy of our centres into activities that create cosmic capital. These activities are dying in ourselves, transmuting, exercising our consciousness, learning more about ourselves, helping others spiritually (giving them light) and helping others intellectually, emotionally and physically. Please note, working in the three factors pays, all three factors pay, however the first factor pays the most.

Saving Cosmic Capital

We can earn cosmic capital but we may spend it on silly things, that is unwisely invest it or we can diminish what we earn by creating new cosmic debts. The one in us that creates new cosmic debts is the ego. So to stop creating new cosmic debts we need to exercise our consciousness to be in balance and to stop the ego from thinking, feeling and acting in us creating cosmic debts.


Do lots of good works in death, transmutation and helping others to earn cosmic capital and be very aware not to create new debts or frivolously spend your cosmic capital (don’t waste your time sand energy in things that take you nowhere).

End (556).

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