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Monday 5 October 2015

Hold on in an Egoic Storm - (543)


Sometimes the ego or a bunch of closely related egos can unleash a storm within us. There are some very clear moments during such a storm, where we have a choice to get swept away by the storm or hold on.

It is so much easier to hold on in a storm when you have something to hold onto. That is the whole trick to surviving an egoic storm, is to have something to hold onto and just hold on with all your strength or as much strength as necessary.

What do you have to Hold onto

This is big question for me. What do I have to hold onto? Nothing, something, something small, something great, or a great number of things... Obviously the more the better and the greater the better, because the easier it will be for us to hold onto.

If we don’t have much we just have to generate or create something to hold onto. We have to make some psychological handles with a good set of grips on them to help ourselves out.

Before any Endeavour have your Psychological Handles Ready

Before we undertake any project, activity or endeavour whether it be human or spiritual having a set of psychological handles to hold onto is so very helpful, even critical to surviving the storm. The storm of obstacles will come and if we don’t anything to hold onto we will get swept up.

Think about next time you wake up early to practice and the storm of obstacles sweeps in, if we don’t have anything to hold onto we will just get back into bed and fall asleep.

Some Handles to Hold onto

Here are some example of some handles to hold onto in an egoic storm.

  • If I don’t overcome this now, I will always be struggling and flailing and I will have to face it again!
  • If I don’t solve this inside of myself now I will always be looking for the outside solution. I will not get the light I will find darkness again! I will be back here again the cycle continues!
  • I can’t go on depending on people to set this right all the time.
  • How can I be dependent on others to solve this problem.
  • It is all to do with my psyche that of fulfilling this need.
  • What the ego wants from the other can not be gotten on demand any time we want.
  • It will pass.
  • I just like everyone else am/are a complete being, I and we are born not attached to anyone so why such a need?
  • I can be happy without this defect.
  • This defect is bitterness itself. To not have it or have it greatly weakened is peace!
  • Overcome this and I am one step closer to peace!
  • What do I want peace, focus, work, light, freedom or more friction, darkness, distraction, failure and conditioning or slavery?


Once we have our handles then hold on tight! The next step is to hold on and this requires will and a strong belief in the handles and our grip on the handles. Repeat with great force what you are holding onto. A handle is a lifeline and therefore our hope at defeating ourselves and stepping past this defect into the sunny green pastures – the lands of light and peace.

End (543).

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