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Monday 5 October 2015

Lessons from the Salmon - (545)


I don’t know much about salmon, besides its flesh being an unusual red colour and which when poached tastes delicious, is that when it is time for the salmon to spawn they swim upstream taking great risks and consuming great amounts of energy to find a quiet space of still water to spawn and later die.

Return to their Origin

The salmon return to their birth place to spawn and later to die, they in effect close a cycle, they return to their original point of departure.

They show us how birth, life, death and new life are all connected. They show us also that in being able to close the cycle sacrifice and effort is needed.

A Lesson from the Salmon

We are like salmon we leave the absolute and we enter into creation and to return we need to swim upstream using our sexual forces.

On a smaller scale, to die or return the trapped essence it to its original unconditioned state, we after having fed it in life, need to make great sacrifices to go against its conditioning (swim upstream) until the trapped essence is free and then with the death of the conditioning new life in us can be experienced.


Nature or creation hold before our eyes such marvellous esoteric lessons.

End (545).

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