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Thursday 8 October 2015

Pride Forgets the Father - (551)


More than anything pride forgets the Father, while lust forgets the mother. So when we are lustful we are not relating too well to our Divine Mother and when we are proud we are not relating well to our Father.

In truth though when we have either one of these two pride or lust we are not relating well to the Being in general and that includes both the Divine Mother and the Father. But when we are lustful we are going more against our Mother and when we are proud we are going more against our Father. Why because these two egos lust and pride have in their conditioning parts of the essence that are opposed or antithetical to the Mother and the Father.


Pride specialises in acting by itself, in disregard to any authority or any other power or force. Pride is rebellious and disobedient by nature. Pride is in fact separation.

In the fifth major initiation the initiate has to do the will of the father, and to do that the initiate has to submit his will so to do the will of the Father. Pride is the opposite of such an action, pride retains its own separate will or makes the initiate to stand apart from his or her Being doing the initiates particular will in disobedience or rebellion to the Father. Then shortly the fall will come.


Pride is a very dangerous ego I think on the path, it after a while will lead us into following the egotistical will and then failure and a fall will come.

End (551).

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