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Thursday 15 October 2015

You are Ready to Die when you Feel Pain from Knowing you are Harming your Being - (553)


A person can become really ready to take a big step in the dissolution of an ego due to many factors. One of these factors, of which I am going to mention in this post is when we feel pain deep in ourselves out of the knowledge and understanding that we are in fact harming our Being, our spiritual development and our relationship to the Being and of course if we are harming the relationship with our Being we also harm the relationship between ourselves and others, especially those who are working on themselves.

Conflict Inside

When we fight with the ego we feel the conflict, the division between going with what the ego wants and or going with the work. It may seem that to go with the work is impossible, too hard and dry. We may feel that we can do it but not for long. When we feel like this obviously we are lacking a very strong convincing factor in us that will push the battle in the favour of the work, the path and the Being.

A Convincing Factor is Needed

One of these very convincing factors is always pain, not though mechanical pain but rather the understanding of where the pain comes from and what the results of continuing along this line of behaviour will be.

The awareness or realisation of where that pain is actually coming from. It usually comes from seeing ourselves being stagnated, dropping our level of Being and distancing ourselves from the Being and neglecting the work on ourselves.

The strength of this convincing factor is that we deep down do not want to harm our Being r ourselves really.


It seems absurd that the pleasure of the ego produces pain, but it does and this pain is much longer lasting and deeper than the pleasure of the ego. The pleasure of the ego does not seem worth the pain it provokes and the wide spreading effects that the result of this ego has in us.

The sacrifice of this ego done consciously will reward us plenty, with the real joy of the work and the essence. Joy is beyond pleasure, which the latter comes and goes and in excess becomes pain. Pleasure converts or transforms later into pain.

End (553).

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