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Thursday 12 November 2015

Pain as Necessary for Growth - (577)


There is that saying that goes: “no pain no gain”. This saying normally refers to some sort of physical training of the body. In many respects within the realm of physical training of the body it is true. Also it seems to be quite true in nearly everything else as well. Even in the area of spiritual growth. Because we know that if we do not make an effort we don’t really get anywhere.

Pain to Come Out

In our pain is hidden much potential for growth. Really the work on ourselves is all about really healing that pain that we have in one way or another.

The pain has to come out in us for us to be able to see it and work to heal it. So with out that pain coming out we can not heal and therefore if we do not change or fix ourselves we remain as we are. That is our growth remains stagnant or stunted.

The More Pain – the More Growth

So really even though it sounds not very pleasant at all, the more pain that comes out in us the more we have to work on so to fix and then grow.

We though have to be very careful here. We can’t fall into that of inflicting pain on ourselves meaninglessly, but rather to work on the pain that comes out in us when it does because of the natural flow of life’s events, not because we are actively looking for it to come out. When we actively look for it to come out it is not so natural and only part of it comes out and we end making a mess where we really didn’t need to.Of course when we make a mess we involve others that don’t need to be involved and that creates karma for us that results in pain later on down the track.


I think the conclusion to this post is to take with us that pain will come out in us today or tomorrow and unfortunately we need it so to grow. Pain is to be taken advantage of to fix what is wrong in us and then step up a step in the level of being and in liberation.

End (577).

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