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Tuesday 22 December 2015

Inhale the Being - (655)

Every Living Creature Breathes

We come to life with our first breath and we leave life with our last breath. Our breath is our life. It marks the beginning and the end. It also sustains and vivifies our life.

Being and Breath

At the very root of our life, going to the very cause behind our life is our Real Being. Sometimes we are confused why or what we are living for, why are we still breathing we ask ourselves now and then when everything in our life seems empty. It is our Real Being in us, it is our Real Being breathing and keeping our heart pumping. Our Breath and our Being are linked.

A way of, one of the very numerous ways is to relax and to breathe in the Being. Breathe in and remember the Real Being as the living, vivifying, electric force animating our breath and body and then breathe out and relax.


Remember and yearn for the Being in every conscious breath. When we remember and yearn for eh Being we charge the air immediately around us with the Being or at least the idea of the Being and then when we breathe in the atoms of oxygen and nitrogen etc. enter our lungs and bloodstream though the electromagnetic charge in the air will be separated and will be become nourishment for the solar bodies such as the Astral, mental and causal bodies.

End (655).

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