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Monday 28 December 2015

Intimate Christ Posts 13 – Key is Sacrifice - (669)

Christic Images and the Cross

If we do a quick search for images of Jesus, we come across many images showing Jesus on the cross and images of Jesus’ heart with a small cross on top of it, tongues of flames surrounding it and a crown of thorns pressing onto it. All these images show something Divine yet something painful, that ‘painful’ part of it is the sacrifice part and the Divine part is the recompense.

A Big Truth

Everyone knows this truth that applies everywhere, in life as well as in the path. That is we do not put effort in we can not get anything out or in other words if we do not sacrifice we only get a little.

Then as all the images suggest to us, the key is sacrifice and certainly the intimate Christ is intrinsically all about that. For us to be redeemed we must do our part so that He can do His part, which may be the greater part…


Sacrifice is the conscious choice of one good superior to another. It is also an exchange or change or interchange of values, where we change one value for another. That is one value that is superior to another.

A Change of Values

What sacrifice is, is a change of polarities or we can also say values (opposite values). But what it really is a change in the polarities from one side of a given value to the other side. For example, with sexuality, the value is sexuality and to apply sacrifice we would sacrifice lust (senses, sensations use or focus of sexuality) for a sexuality with a spiritual, Real Being focus or use. The same applies for every other sacrifice. Sacrifice is a change of values.


With our sacrifice the Christ in us can help us and redeem us! We have to sacrifice first, He can not do much if we do not sacrifice or change values or at least just start to look at the other value.

Everything costs and if a sacrifice is hard then that is the price for that we must pay. Then we feel the sacrifice as costly as something that burns. In holding ourselves to the sacrifice while we are getting burnt is pay our debts and pay for the redemption. It can burn but underneath we can be happy because we are paying and getting freer every minute.

It’s strange, sometimes in dealing with some egos, a sacrifice can be just to fall physically lay down on our bed and fall asleep. That’s not really hard is it? Other times though for other egos it is to work a lot!

End (669).

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