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Wednesday 23 December 2015

Intimate Christ Posts 8 – Born in a Manger - (664)


When the Intimate Christ incarnates in us He is incarnated in a manger or in a stable, that is amongst many “I’s”, and “I’s” that are heavy, strong and bad and “I’s” that are good. That is the real beauty and marvel of the Intimate Christ, how He being pure and immaculate enters us in such a state and even assumes the negative creations we have.

It is very important to bear in mind, that He assumes our problems and our “I’s” in order to help us solve and dissolve them. He through our sacrifice works to transform them and dissolve them. He as Master Samael says is a true grace of the Father.

The Causal – So Important for the Christ

One very critical condition is our Intimate Christ’s access to the causal world. Curiously it is in the fifth year of Job that the Intimate Christ in us dies. This is the year of the fifth solar body, i.e. the causal body. There is something special in the causal body or there is some critical work to be done our causal body and in our own causal dimension.

With the fifth major initiation we give our Being access to our causal body and our causal dimension. In the fifth initiation of fire we also incarnate the human soul, and so our Being through the kundalini and the human soul have access to the causal body and dimension. This is critical because in the causal is where the causes for our errors and “I’s” reside.

Intimate Christ Dissolves Causes

The Intimate Christ in order to free us and radically, truly transform us He must modify and dissolve causes within us. He has to remove the cause of our “I’s” and past errors within us to make us different and incapable of erring again. By dissolving causes within us He also helps us to pay karma. Only when our particular karma is paid can we radically dissolve the causes of the “I’s” within us.
The Intimate Christ is really by nature quite radical.


Without access to the causal dimension within us, the Intimate Christ would not be able to fulfil His role which is to redeem us from the karma and the negative characteristics and nature brought about by the “I”.

End (664).

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