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Sunday 13 December 2015

Misc. 10 – The Lament of the Elementals of Nature - (646)

Innocent Elementals

The elementals of nature are very innocent, they don't act by themselves they are governed or directed by the Guru Devas or the elemental Queen or King that governs them, and who is responsible for overseeing their evolution and development.

Guru Deva or Elemental King or Queen

The Guru Deva or Elemental Queen or King is the Being that watches over the evolution or involution of the essences that are in the physical vehicles of minerals, the elements (water, fire, earth and air), plants and animals.

Their Job

The elementals under the guidance of their Elemental Queen or King work to maintain and restore the balance (if broken) in their particular nature part of nature.


Man always disrupts their work and so now days all their good work is being undone by man. The elementals are now days constantly working to restore the balance.


The elementals of the forests care for and look after the plants, trees and animals and man comes and destroys the forests. Man pollutes the seas and so the elementals of the seas work to clean the seas. The elementals of the earth constantly work to compensate for the large losses of earth and minerals that have been dug up from the Earth.

What is more, the elementals can not understand why man does that, especially when they are meant to be more evolved and intelligent than they.

This is all because of the sleeping consciousness of man. If this were not the case, if man was awake, the elementals of nature would be very happy. Man would not undo their marvellous work.


Even the elementals of nature are organised into families just like we are and follow an order and divine direction.

End (646).

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