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Sunday 13 December 2015

Misc. 5 – A Little on Epigenesis - (641)

Definition of Epigenesis

Epi genesis is the faulty of creating circumstances which have not been experienced or created before. Usually our actions are conditioned by the past.

Epigenesis is to generate a series of new causes which will by the Law of Cause and Effect create new effects. The way to do this is by using our consciousness which is free from relativity and duality to generate the new causes.

The Role of the Causal Body

We tend to just think that our life is physical, but it is not really. It is vital, astral (emotional), mental and causal. We do not see this and so we don't bring those aspects down into the physical, or more importantly we don't use those other aspects for real effects and results.


We have to bring all our bodies into an activity! We need the causal body to be brought down when we do for example  a practice of mystical death. If we use the causal body to die mystically we will cause that ego to be different than what it was beforehand, or before the treatment of another person towards us that we found so harsh.

End (641).

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