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Wednesday 16 December 2015

Percentages of Free Consciousness - (652)


I thought that I would break the series of posts to do with sexuality with this post about percentages of free consciousness.

My hope in this post is to list some of the milestones to do with the percentage of free consciousness. The information presented in this post come from some of Master Samael’s books and from what others most definitely ‘in the know’ have said.

Please note, this is awakened consciousness, not the amount of free essence. This is because a part of the free essence could be asleep and needs to be awakened but none the less it is still free.

Significant Percentages

Less than 3%

This is most likely what humanity in general has, in the way free consciousness. This is due to the steady degeneration of humanity, which is quite visible given the current state of affairs and the great fascination with technology.


Was the figure Master Samael stated that humanity in general has of free essence.

Master Rabalu also said that this is what an essence, who reconquers the humanoid state after having passed through the processes of involution and evolution has of free consciousness. Such an essence is 100% all essence but only has 3% of awakened consciousness.


With this percentage of free consciousness Master Samael said the first sparks of illumination can appear.


This is the amount of free consciousness needed to have a stable, solid work oneself that is independent of circumstances and emotions.


With this amount of consciousness in general all over humanity, all wars would be avoided.


This was the amount of consciousness that Master Samael allowed people to enter a special order that he founded called the “Eagle Knights”.

The seminal pearl could also reach close to its maximum development before becoming the golden embryo at this percentage.


This is approximately the percentage that constitutes the forming of the golden embryo.


This is how much a single person can dissolve of the ego and so therefore the amount of consciousness a single person can arrive at.


The amount that was required for the Exodus. Mind you though that 50% amount was of the ego dissolved, not awakened consciousness.

Also the amount of consciousness Master Samael said Rudolph Steiner had back in his time.


The amount of consciousness Master Samael said H.P.B had, back in her time.


The amount acquired when the ego is all dissolved at the end of the second mountain or in the third mountain. Master Samael had this before he disincarnated in 1977, Mexico.

End (652).

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