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Tuesday 1 December 2015

Questions on Pride - (592)

Rhetorical Questions

Sometimes in the work with the dissolution of the ego asking ourselves probing questions can help us in provoking a new flow of understanding about the ego we are examining.

This post provides some questions that may help with provoking some understanding of the defect of pride and its branches such as self-importance, self-love, vanity etc.

The Questions

  • Why do we not like being second?
  • Why do we like having things revolve around us?
  • Why do we like attention being directed towards us?
  • Why do we like seeing ourselves being more important than others?
  • Why do we like ourselves to be regarded as special?
  • Why do we think we should get concessions?
  • Why do we think that the rules can be bent for us?
  • Why do we think that when it comes to us, things will be alright or different?
  • Why do we like control?
  • Why do we have to be first?
  • Why do others have to be friendly and loving towards us?

End (592).

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