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Thursday 3 December 2015

Retreat Post 10 – Chastity - (602)

Disclaimer – Not Mine Only Notes

I have to stress that these words are my notes only. The thoughts and understanding behind them do not come from me but from the terrific missionaries that led the various activities during the retreat.


Chastity is to have our sexuality based in spirituality.

It is not have satisfaction, senses and sensations as its base. That is what chastity is, it is to have a sexuality free of these conditioners in matter.


Chastity is to use sexuality but spiritually. Chastity is the value of sexuality in the middle of the two opposites, with one opposite being abstinence and all sorts of attitudes against sex and the other opposite being lust, fornication, seduction etc. or the general abuse, overuse or misuse of sexuality. 

End (602).

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