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Sunday 6 December 2015

Retreat Post 17 – Cherubim in Alchemy - (609)

Disclaimer – Not Mine Only Notes

I have to stress that these words are my notes only. The thoughts and understanding behind them do not come from me but from the terrific missionaries that lead the various activities during the retreat.


The three forces are present in the Alchemy. There is the Divine Mother the ego and the Alchemical couple, i.e. man and woman.

There is the man and the woman and their union produces the cherubim and the cherubim which is the Divine Mother in Herself. Which through the practice of Alchemy becomes empowered to send force onto the ego that the couple are are both concentrating on and wishing to dissolve.

When to Ask for Dissolution

When there is heat felt on the spinal column that is the moment to ask for the disintegration of the ego.

Before that point though there should be transmutation.


Both man and woman to get the maximum effectiveness of the cherubim must both concentrate on the same ego. That way three forces are sent toward the ego, which is the most effective possible way of dissolving the ego.

End (608).

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