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Tuesday 8 December 2015

Retreat Post 23 – Transgression & Karma - (615)

Disclaimer – Not Mine Only Notes

I have to stress that these words are my notes only. The thoughts and understanding behind them do not come from me but from the terrific missionaries that lead the various activities during the retreat.


When we go past a certain limit we transgress and so we enter into something that we should not have entered. In so doing, later on we will encounter an obstacle or an impediment.

That impediment will only though come into effect when we want to enter into that area once again.


Karma makes us to desire to enter that area once – again, and then that is where the same karmic force stops us from entering.

Karma applies a brake and an accelerator at the same time, and this is very painful, and with this pain we pay for our initial error of transgressing.

End (614).

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