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Wednesday 9 December 2015

Retreat Post 33 – Deep Meaning of Lust - (625)

Disclaimer – Not Mine Only Notes

I have to stress that these words are my notes only. The thoughts and understanding behind them do not come from me but from the terrific missionaries that lead the various activities during the retreat.


The end result of any lustful manifestation is a slip back, a reduction in energy and some experience of dislocation, disillusion and disorientation especially in the spiritual sense.

Many egos also do this, but lust seems to specialise in this, in the sense that it does it better than any other ego. This is because this function is related to its deep meaning. Read on…

Deep Meaning of Lust

The deep meaning of fear is something that has been put in place to stop human beings from becoming Gods or tearing away the adamic veil (veil of consciousness). Lust has as its deep meaning for its existence a device that stops our spiritual progress or at least delays it.

In the human sense too, if someone is great in any human field, whether it politics or sport lust takes the person down. Just like Bill Clinton, Tiger Woods and many other cases in the past. Lust snow balls and snow balls until it gets so big it destroys their career and reputation and they end up ruined – i.e. their dharma spent.

Final Comments

That is why lust is pretty harmful for our spiritual development because it has been designed to stop it or delay it and consumes our dharma. If we have a problem with lust we have to search deep inside it for the love of truth so to better comprehend and use will when necessary.

End (625).

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