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Thursday 10 December 2015

Retreat Post 39 – Causes and Consciousness - (631)

Disclaimer – Not Mine Only Notes

I have to stress that these words are my notes only. The thoughts and understanding behind them do not come from me but from the terrific missionaries that lead the various activities during the retreat.

Causation & the Ego

There are three causes of the ego.

The causal, then the mind, then the emotion and then action, is how the ego unfolds. The logic of the ego has a causal, mental, emotional and physical part as well.

States of Consciousness

Imagine a container, a glass and a candle. The container is the mind. The glass is the essence and the candle is the consciousness.

We allow the egos to do things that are unjustified in the light of the Being.

What we are is a state of consciousness and what we feel is the result of that state of consciousness. We have thousands of states of consciousness, one for each event.


We have to choose the state of consciousness!

We need to be on guard to stop the essence from creating causes which will produce errors. We need to instead of having the ego as a cause, we need to have the values of the Being as a cause.

Once we are in charge we can be in charge of our causation processes. Then we can change our way of Being.


Trapped consciousness = Conditioned Being. Then wrong causes and inconvenient results. The more essence there is, the more positive circumstances there are. This is because of the essence being present, and because it generates positive circumstances.

The essence is the vehicle of expression of the Being! Being mind you, is one thing, though consciousness is something else.

End (631).

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