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Wednesday 2 December 2015

Retreat Post 5 – Key S.O.L - (597)

Disclaimer – Not Mine Only Notes

I have to stress that these words are my notes only. The thoughts and understanding behind them do not come from me but from the terrific missionaries that lead the various activities during the retreat.

Key S.O.L

The key S.O.L stands for Subject, Object and Location. To practice the key S.O.L one divides one’s attention into three. That is one puts one’s attention on what one is doing (Subject), while also having one’s attention on oneself (Object) and the place in which one finds him or herself in (Location).

Self-Remembering or Remembering the Being is Better

Master Samuel says that the key S.0.L can active the essence but later strengthens the robot. This is because there is no Being participating in the practice of the key S.O.L. That is why self-Remembering is better. Actually is also better to say remembering of the Being, because self-remembering is a term that is a little confusing, because one is not sure which self, one has to remember - the self as body, personality or ego, and then which ego. Though the self that one has to remember is the consciousness or Being which is the very best.

The Being in us is the natural flow of lever present life that is always conscious and complete. The Being is us is never robotic or mechanical. It is always full of consciousness.


In conclusion then it is far better to practice relaxation and remembering of one’s Being. Not from a mental stand point but from a consciousness pint of view. Remember one’s Being while being the consciousness. That is while experiencing in a small way the consciousness and if possible the Being, or that life force or stream of life flowing to you and through you.

End (597).

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