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Tuesday 12 January 2016

About God or the Being - (698)

God Within

Unity with the Being is only possible in such a situation where the human being has a part of the Being dwelling within.

If the human being were only just linked to a Being not part of one, then there would be duality, that is two distinct parts that may not ever be able to become one.

But when the human being has a part of the Being within there is only one thing present, that is the unity, and this opens up the possibility for the union of the Being with His essence or the essence that the human being carries within.

God Without

There are many doctrines that consider that God is outside of oneself. Such doctrines consider the doctrine that God is within to be blasphemy, however considering God to be outside does not give the human being the possibility of unity with God, but rather a future of being the same person (though pure) floating in the vicinity of God’s presence but never feeling God inside or feeling one with God and never participating as a drop in the great ocean of life.

End (698).

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