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Monday 18 January 2016

Awakening the Start - (711)


I think and feel that the first step in awakening is for the person who wishes to awaken is to come to answer with consciousness or true understanding for her or himself the answer to the following question: Who am I?

When we know in our consciousness the answer to this question our true awakening has begun.


Because we have to come to know what we are to awaken to, and we have also come to know how and where we are asleep, or in other words what we are asleep to.

Ok, Who are We Then?

The answer by the way to this question is you are awareness or consciousness. You are the awareness that witnesses the thoughts and emotions. You are the listener. of your thoughts. You are not the thoughts or the voice that talks in your mind. You are not your mind, your body, your thoughts, or your feelings.

Then What?

Knowing who you are you can separate yourself from your mind, your personality, your egos. Because the truth is we are not any of those things except our consciousness.

Knowing that you are the consciousness you can stop yourself from getting identified with your thoughts, emotions and egos.

Knowing we are the consciousness leads us to find our Being. The key to finding our Being is to first find our consciousness and then penetrate into that consciousness, where our Being resides.

End (711).

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