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Sunday 17 January 2016

Don’t Have Negative Attitudes Towards Others - (707)

One Thing that Never Fails

This is becoming an ever present truth in my life now. I have noticed that whenever I begin to develop a negative attitude towards someone, even if I do not express it, I very quickly get into trouble.

The Same Negativity Comes Against Us

The same or similar negativity that I am create inside myself towards a person in my mind and sometimes in words perhaps to the person themselves or about that person when talking to others about that person, comes to be the weapon that my own egos use against myself. In other words the same negativity that we direct at others in our mind is what gets directed towards ourselves from ourselves.

That is when we learn the lesson that it is not right to think negatively about others even if they are bad in certain areas and have ill-affected us in certain ways. Because we are all one to think bad about others is to think bad about ourselves.

This usually happens when we extend or continue with our negative thoughts beyond a certain limit, and when those negative thoughts become an attitude or a kind of ill-will towards the other person.


To be balanced and in the middle and not in that swing of attacking others and enjoying it and then later to be attacked and feel pain and suffering we should not think negativity about others. For the reason that we are all one and that thinking negatively about others is to harm ourselves with the same negativity. Maybe not straight away but be assured it will come back to us!

Our Being in us does not think negatively about others.

End (707).

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