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Sunday 24 January 2016

Emotion and Sensation - (731)

Relationship Between Sensation and Emotions

There is a strong and intimate relationship between sensation and emotion. Emotion makes all the difference. Emotion turns the sensations into desire and that is where the trouble for us begins.


When there is desire or some kind of unpleasant feeling in our body such as a pain there is always an interpretation and a mental dimension added onto the sensations being felt. That is where our problem lies.

Mind Interprets

The first thing that our mind does is interpret the sensations as either good or bad. Within our psyche are very strongly embedded meanings to those sensations. Those meanings are tied into emotion. The interpretations mean something and depending on what they mean we will feel something in our emotional centre. What we feel of course will be something in line with the meaning that our psyche or egos give to that interpretation.

What We Can Feel

We usually feel either of two things: dislike or like or accept and reject. So we can end up feeling, either scared, worried, anxious or either on the other hand comfort, pleasure, satisfaction, excitement etc.

When Sensation Don’t Mean Anything

If we work really hard psychologically we can feel the sensations of our body and they can not mean something that then creates a strong emotional response, that is either one of fear or one of lust, selfishness, laziness etc.

If our mind for some reason didn’t have access to that list of meanings, then we would just feel the sensations and that would be it.

If we identify with the sensations, that is we firmly believe in the meanings then one or two or more egos come into play, and their main function is to project pleasure or pleasant emotion or either dread, anxiety and fear.


In summary what we have to do is to target the meaning or the interpretation of the sensations. We have to question deeply the meaning or interpretation and dismantle and weaken them. Or work on the ego that jumps into manifestation after we have interpreted the sensation.

Dealing with Desire

If after a sensation we feel it ok to get more of what we felt that means that the interpretation turned emotional and desire has emerged and desire is trapped will and the will manifests as emotion and so does desire. In the end it is emotion of the interpretation that drives us and fuels the desire. If we experience a very unpleasant emotion after a sensation we won’t have a desire to repeat the experience. What I am trying to get at here is to say that emotion drives our desires and the emotion comes from the interpretation.

Positive emotion equals desire to obtain and negative emotion equals desire to avoid. Neutral emotion equals no desire to obtain or avoid. We have to empty the contents out of all of our interpretations so to neutralise them.

End (731).

1 comment:

  1. What a perfect find, just what I needed like minded people.
