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Thursday 21 January 2016

Introduction to Hell - (722)

An Overview

If a container has a superior part, it must by definition have an inferior part. So true, as there are the heavens there are also the lower regions. Despite this, the topic of hell is another hotly debated topic, some believe it not to exist while others do. Others say it is a state of mind, while others say it is real and it is a place of punishment.

In Gnosis we always prefer ‘to know’ rather than to believe. So the Gnostic study of the inferno describes hell from the perspective of direct knowledge. The various points of study cover many aspects related to the topic, however the essential point of all the study points is that Hell or the inferno has a reason to exist, and therefore it has a valid function in the cosmos and by studying it, we can know what takes the soul there so that we can avoid that demise. Such knowledge is very valuable.

End (722).

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