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Thursday 21 January 2016

Introduction to Past Lives - (725)

An Overview

Another very touchy topic, some religions certainly do believe in previous lives while others, such as the Christian religions do not. It has been said that up until the first council of Nicea in 324AD the teaching of past lives was present in the Christian doctrine, though after the council it was struck out and no longer accepted. Past Lives certainly makes a lot of sense and certainly can explain a lot of things about ourselves and humanity at large.

Past lives explain much about our present tendencies, likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses and happenings in our present life. Past lives explain our current bouts of fortune and misfortune. There is a reason behind everything that happens to us and we have what we have due to merits. That is, we have what we deserve or have worked for. Implying then that the causes of what we have and are, lie in our past and if we can’t find these causes in this life, they are hidden in one or more of our previous lives.

The Gnostic view holds that human beings have one life, and that same flow of life over time, takes on several different human personalities or human existences.

Our past life memories are hidden in our subconscious and what really matters is to unearth them, to verify for ourselves that human beings have past lives and by studying our past lives, come to know and understand why we are the way we are.

The Gnostic study of past lives focus on the importance of past lives, the teachings related to past lives and most important of all; techniques and practices to remember our past lives.

End (725).

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