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Sunday 3 January 2016

Lust and the Body - (681)


Obviously lust is very dependent on the body, not only in the way that lust looks at the bodies of others but the way lust relates to one’s own body. Typically lust works in combination with vanity (physical, even intellectual and mystical vanity – though this is for another post) in all the many ways to make it more attractive or appealing to others.

Essentially lust uses the body. It uses it to experience sensations and emotions, as well as a vehicle to carry out its desires and ideas. Certainly, as all the other egos do, lust drives the physical body, and in doing so, it affects it adversely.

When Lust Drives the Body

Lust when driving the physical body besides draining the centres of their energies through identification with it, lust maltreats the body and exposes it to many risks. There is the risk of disease etc., there is the risk of emotional or moral pain, the risk of even being subject to violence from others. In the end no one feels good after lust has left the human machine. Lust leaves the human machine low and tired and demoralised or disillusioned and disappointed.

Lust and Body Parts

We all know quite well that lust looks at and desires particular body parts. But what about the inversion of this: How does lust use the body parts of the human machine it is driving?

It uses the sexual centre, it uses legs and it uses the senses especially the eyes.

It essentially uses the sexual centre to acquire and increase the sensations according to the various desires it has. It uses the eyes and the senses to gather information for its intellectual processes, and it instinctive processes as well. Finally, it uses the legs to get around and to make real its desires. Without legs lust would not be able to make actual fact many of its desires, though the processes of lust would still be well and alive.

That is why, lust is associated with the Mercurial winds that constantly swirl through the second Dantean circle of the abyss. The constantly swirling lustful thoughts and desires move the legs of the human machine making the person to physically move a lot, and to be flighty in the thoughts and emotions and to be without concentration and peace.

When Lust is Weaker

When lust is weaker the relationship with our body changes, we become more consciously caring of it and less using of it. We are more concerned with its well-being than driving it and wearing it down with lust. The understanding that the body is a very precious gift to be used for our inner self-realisation is become more prevalent and come more into light, and begins to govern many of our present and future actions.


The egos really harm the body. They mostly consume the bodies energies and furthermore block the body’s energies making us to feel worn out. They can also affect certain organs and even by their actions get a person into all sorts of manner of trouble, even life-threatening trouble.

This beside the enormous esoteric and psychological advantages, is enough reason to work on dissolving the egos that we carry within us.

End (681).

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