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Wednesday 27 January 2016

Some Gnosis FAQ About Knowledge - (736)

Is Gnosis a Cult?

No, and the reasons why are that those who study Gnosis at the advanced level, at least in the Gnostic Society, only attend classes once or twice a week lasting two or two and a half hours maximum. They receive the Gnostic knowledge and it is entirely up to them to apply or not apply what was presented in the class.

A Gnostic student can leave Gnosis at any moment, there is nothing stopping them. We have the policy of not interfering with the circumstances of anyone of the student’s lives. If students ask for help we are happy to give advice in accordance with the Gnostic principles and values. Freedom is given to the student to evaluate the advice given and apply it or not, according to their own discretion.

The only commitment that we ask, is of those who have decided to seriously study Gnosis is that when they can, they be regular in attending classes so as not to fall behind in the flow of study, and students give a reasonably regular donation, of an amount determined by the student to be entirely affordable to them. Please note, all donations go toward the payment of the centre’s rent.

Is there Only One Knowledge?

The knowledge of ‘returning to the stars’ is only really one, and coincidentally it is the same for everyone. The factor however, that produces the perception that there are many different systems of knowledge, is that this one knowledge has over the centuries expressed itself through many different cultures, civilizations and personages, all using their particular terminology and symbolism. However behind each expression of the one knowledge there has always been the same goal and the same work required to reach it. This knowledge in the past has been called Jina (Latin), Jnana (Sanskrit), Djin (Arabic), Daath (Hebrew), Dharma and today Gnosis (Greek).

Gnosis as it is presented today is the synthetic knowledge of each expression of the one knowledge. Gnosis is the core knowledge or the ‘bare bones’ of the knowledge required to reach once again the divine spark that dwells within. Gnosis has been said to be the golden thread of divinity upon which all the pearls of the world’s religions are hung.

What About Other Traditions?

Gnosis is essentially a word, that among many others, is a label for the knowledge a person acquires through the direct and intimate experience with the truth. Gnosis is only one of the many labels, that in the past and in the current day is used to label this special kind of knowledge. So there well could be on the planet Earth many other doctrines, groups and systems that work with this special knowledge and follow the tradition of their particular style of this knowledge.

End (736).

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