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Tuesday 5 January 2016

Some of the Many Types of Karma - (684)


In Gnosis we know that there are several types of karma. My idea for this post is list and briefly describe (as best I can) all the types of karma that I have come across in my studies.

In Gnosis

These are types of karma that we learn about in Gnosis. I have just copied and pasted the descriptions of these types of karma from a handout on Karma and Dharma.

Individual Karma

“The suffering or punishment which corresponds to each one of us for our personal bad deeds; they are like monthly payments that we owe; we have to pay them with sacrifice or with pain. He who knows how to negotiate comes out liberated with the Judges of the Law. We need to learn to sacrifice everything for nothing; every good deed done for humanity is a payment towards the debt.”

Family Karma

“When in the bosom of a family, people who have a collective debt with the Law of Karma belong to each other in such way that all of them suffer and among them they make each other suffer; here, the Law is acting on the whole family in order to collect the debt.”

Collective Karma

“It is mass punishment. Example: It is very common to see poor towns situated at the shores of a river or at hills, etc., and all of a sudden the river overflows or there are landslides and all the people perish, or the majority of people live in misery; this constitutes a collective Karma.”

World Karma

“Pain and suffering at a world level; world wars are a clear example of this type of Karma; a great number of whole countries see themselves effected by misery, pain and suffering. In these types of Karma the scales of justice are imbalanced.”


“(Prarabha Karma): When the Karma that we owe is terminal, because it can not be paid, due to the immense graveness of the facts. This is Karma of action and can not be delayed. For example, the karma for an extreme sexual degeneration is cancer.”


“With the wise use of the sexual currents we become one with the Divinity (Yoga = union with God). The “Odic Light” (magnetic) is that which surrounds the couple and remains with the couple during the length of the practice in a protective circle.”


“These are the astral signatures which come from the coitus of a man with various woman or of a woman with various men; the sexual contact and the corresponding energy unite themselves in the astral region in a fluid form; the Karma joins the men and woman who have copulated, these astral signatures are erased only with Alchemy.”

Katancy or Katancia

“This is a superior Karma; it is above the Judges of the Great Law. This is what calls the Gods to order, even the Judges of the Great Law.”


Recurrence Master Samael says is another name for Karma. Because time is round, karma is also round, because karma depends on time and space. Karma is also applied in waves or cycles, that is cycles of greater and lesser intensity.

So recurrence is really a medium or a way in which karma is applied. Every recurrence that we have serves as a vehicle to balance the karmic accounts between two or more people. Two or more people meet once again so their debts from the past are cancelled and the balance is restored between the two parties.

In Hinduism (Vedic Texts)

In the Vedic texts four particular types of karma stand out. What I have done is listed them and provided a very brief description in my own words. A little further down, I have copied and pasted a more in depth description of these four types of karma from a web site that I came across.


This is the karma that we have to work off or pay in this life time. We have no choice we must pay all of it off. It essentially comes from the past.


This is the store of our karma. It is essentially all of our accumulated karma. The interesting thing is that it can be negotiated or changed.

This karma is waiting for us to paid later on and can become Prarabdha karma, that is matured karma that must be paid to its last consequences. That is if we do not change it at its origin or cause.

When we work on ourselves this is the karma that we pay off and therefore avoid. Kamaduro is what we can not work off.


This is the results of our life’s actions that will affect us or condition us in the next life. It is very important really, if we want a different future we must really pay attention to our present actions, because they condition the future. The present makes the future.

Kriyamāa or Vartamana

This is the karma that is processed instantly. Sometimes in life we observe this unfold right before our eyes.

1. Prarabdha - Matured Karma

“Imagine a fruit, an apple, on a tree. It has come of its age, it is ripe. Either it be plucked in time or it detaches itself from the tree and lands on the ground. It cannot remain on the tree forever. Similarly, prārabdha is ripe karma. At some point in time, you planted a tree and the fruit is ready to drop today. Regardless of your desire or your preference, it has taken its own course, much like the arrow that has left the bow. Once you perform any karmic act, it is registered in the universe, it will come to fruition in due course. There is no escape. Whatever you are going through in life presently, note the word presently, that you have no control over, it is your prārabdha. It does not mean you cannot change your future. Prārabdha is that which has matured. Any karma that may mature in the future is not prārabdha, it falls under the second category:”

2. Sanchita - Stored Karma

“This is your store of karma. Not all fruits on the tree will mature the same day, it will be laden again in the next season and the next and so forth. It is for this reason that life is greatly cyclical for an overwhelming majority of people. Why? If you planted apple trees, when the season comes you will have plenty of it, and, if you planted wild berries, however attractive, thorny bushes, however protective, they will flourish too during their seasons. It is often the case why problems rarely come singly, they come in hordes, so do good times. There is something unique about sancita karma, it can be changed! If you can go to the source of your apples or baneberries, you can choose to nurture them or destroy them altogether. The key is going to the source.”

3. Agami - Forthcoming Karma

“Imagine you entered the apple garden. You performed a karma, you exercised a choice, forced or voluntary, regardless. Based on this karma, you are bound to perform certain such other karmas as sighting of the apple trees, experiencing the fragrance, and a definitive karma of exiting the orchard is also waiting to mature. The importance of this karma cannot be underestimated or overstated. The choices you make today have a direct bearing on your future tomorrow, what you do in the present moment determines what unfolds in the next. Āgāmī karma is a mandatory karma, you have little choice, if any. If you have entered the orchard, you will have to perform the action of exiting as well, sooner or later. However, if you could either change the store of your sanchita karma or exercise due care in the present one, this one changes automatically. And how can one change sancita karma? Continue reading.”

4. Vartamana - Present Karma

“It is also known as kriyamāṇa, actionable, present karma, the one that is being done. There is another term, perhaps better, called puruṣārtha, effort, karma. Let us assume you no longer want apples. You can chop the trees, you can have them uprooted. You will still have to find a way to manage or dispose off the wood, rotting apples, green waste and the rest of it, but it is a one off, albeit intense, effort. Thereafter, there will be no more fruits waiting for you year after year. You may simply choose to sow wheat and harvest after a few months, clearing your karmic field on a regular basis.”


This teaching does not come from me but from my missionary. I will fill these headings in with a bit more detail in the next day or so.


This is a type of karma that starts off small, though grows, develops and complicates affecting more and more people. That is, it starts at a point and then expands radially outwards just like a cone, just as a cone.


This is when three parties are involved in a karmic circumstance. Adultery is an example of this, though it is not exclusive to adultery, it can pertain to other circumstances where three parties are involved.


This is the type of karma that is constant and persistent in one’s life.

Parallel Lines

This is where two or more karmic debts or circumstances are processed in our life at once.

End (684).

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