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Tuesday 19 January 2016

Unity of Life - (715)

Our Perspective on Life

How do we see life? As one unit or as something that has many different sectors?

Because our mind is fragmented we tend to see life as fragmented, that is as fragmented as our mind is fragmented.

Great Interconnection

However, life is one, one complete unit. There exists a great interconnection and overlap between all things.

What is Physical is Esoteric

The three realities, the esoteric, psychological and physical are all one reality, though divided into three. What is physical is also esoteric.

Tree of Life

The tree of life is an expression or reflection of that oneness. The tree of life shows us how all its parts are connected and how each part through that connection influences the other parts.

Practical Aspect

The practical part of this topic is that seeing the oneness of life is to see more about life and so it is awakening, because the unity of life is a reality and awakening is about newly seeing reality.

Consciousness is a stream that links every moment together in a continuous flow. Everything is really is a state of consciousness - a state of high awareness or a state of lowered awareness.

All that is one physical is esoteric comes from my marvellous missionary and that is something always to remember. It says that what is happening here physically is also happening there esoterically, meaning that what happens here physically has authorisation from above from the esoteric. It also says that our physical life is not separated from our esoteric life. Our physical life is also our esoteric life. So living ethically here we are ethical up there and vice versa.

End (715).

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