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Thursday 7 January 2016

When Someone is Healed there is Music - (691)

Triumphant Music

When someone for example undergoes a serious operation and when the operation is finished and is a success the people who have been praying and asking for help for the healing of the person may be able to hear the announcement of the success of the operation.

It is as if the angels sing in a chorus to announce to all those who would listen the success of the operation and the consequent healing of the beloved.

Masters of Medicine Help

The masters of medicine really help! It is really marvellous. The Masters that Master Samael told us about such as Paracelsus, Adonai, Galen, Huiracocha, Hypocrates, Serapis etc. really work! Even God Mercury or Archangel Raphael shown below.

End (691).

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