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Thursday 4 February 2016

About ‘Needs’ and ‘Wants’ - (755)


We actually have several types of needs. We have physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual needs.

When we have a need, we have a void that needs filling, meaning that we have to add something to our system.

We when we have a need, we need to compensate something within us. So in that way, the needs we have are karmic or are related to balance. Summing it up, a need is a kind of unbalance within us.

Psychological Needs

In relation to the psychological and emotional needs, we can compensate for those needs by giving to others what we need and dissolving the ego that feels in ‘need’. Mind you the ego seems to need but it may not really need what it thinks it needs, it may certainly desire it, but it may be that we or our Being may need something else or maybe we or our Being need the thing the ego desires but in a different way, usually in a more honest and decent way.

Be Careful! The Egos ‘Want’ More than Need and ‘Wants’ are Different to ‘Needs’

Mind you though the ego mainly ‘wants’, rather than ‘needs’.

It is important to know that ‘wants’ or ‘desires’ are different, because with a ‘want’ or a ‘desire’ there is no void there, or no real lack present. So with a ‘want’ there is no void present to fill and that is why ‘wants’ repeat and repeat and repeat, while ‘needs’ don’t do that, usually once a ‘need’ is filled a person in relation to that need can remain stable and settled for a very long time.


So when you thought you had a need and then you filled it somehow and that apparent ‘need’ appeared again and again then it was a desire, it was not a real need and that means that you don’t really need that certain thing. Sometimes we have to pass through this learning to know what is real and what is not real in relation to needs and wants. It is very good when we discover that something we really believed that we needed is something that we don’t actually need.

End (755).

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